ISSN: 2327-0063
E-ISSN: 2327-2457
This research paper talks about the different
inventions and innovations done to find data related to various major diseases
and their cure. This paper also puts light on how data analytics is helping in
prevention and curing of diseases. Health industry is using data analytics very
actively and positively which is mentioned in this paper. Healthcare industry
is working from local to global.Continuous growth in digital healthcare sector
is leading to generation of plenty of data which can be structured or non-structured
that needs to be handled very precisely so that it can give some fruitful
results. For that data analytics is required at very large level. A large scope
of research and development is available to benefit healthcare industry. This
paper also puts light on how data analytics is playing a crucial role in
healthcare industry by benefitting local people at ground level and big health
organizations simultaneously.