ISSN: 2327-0063
E-ISSN: 2327-2457
The objective of the paper is to look at the ways,
Afro-Americans had been dehumanized, demoralized and marginalized in the trade
of slavery by means of which they questioned their identity, culture, genealogy
and their selves. Slavery was the curse deliberately forced on them which had
left unendurable scars on their psyches. Eventually, this had aroused serious
traumatic effects on their psyches. Worse than this, its cultural history and
customs had been demolished which had left Afro-American race to suffer
inexorably. Moreover, the paper will analyze racism, sexism, and classicism to
highlight, how the Afro-Americans had been degraded and forced to live cannibal
lives. Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved deconstructed the problems of
demoralization, dehumanization, marginalization, slavery, racism, sexism,
classicism, uncanny, pathological mourning, ethnic cleansing and haunting to
delineate the dehumanized and demoralized selves of Afro-American race. The
author spoke the unspoken and unbearable truths of Afro-Americans who were
victimized and had remained the worst sufferers in the history of the world.
People of Afro-American race had been torn physically, emotionally and
psychologically throughout the ages. The paper will study the anguish and
psychological disorders of Afro-African race delineated by Toni Morrison in
Beloved. The concept of dehumanization and demoralization from psychoanalytical
perspective will be applied on the text.