Gender Dimensional Analysis of Constructivist Learning Environment Construct in Secondary School Students from Muslim Minority Community

Hureen Wasifa Siddiqui
Page No. : 1-18


Constructivism in the field of education is an active process that provides students with dynamic learning experiences. To measure the construct constructivism various scales have been introduced by the different researchers. One such scale is Constructivist Learning Environment Scale (1998)  prepared by Taylor, Fraser, and Fisher. The present study is an effort to analyze the Dimensions of this tool Constructivist Learning Environment Scale (CLES) with respect to gender i.e. boys and girls. For this purpose, 197 Secondary School Students (105 boys and 95 girls) belonging from Muslim minority community from Hyderabad, Telangana, India are the sample of the study and approached by the researcher to collect the respective data. For data analysis the measures used under descriptive statistics are Mean, Standard Deviation and Standard Error. Under inferential statistics, the t-test is used. The results-driven out via data analysis are insignificant which means that there is no role of gender on the construct Constructivist Learning Environment Scale (CLES) and its five dimensions – “Personal Relevance, Uncertainty of Science, Critical Voice, Shared Control, and Student Negotiation”. Furthermore, implications and suggestions as per the study are discussed by the researcher.