ISSN: 2327-0063
E-ISSN: 2327-2457
Millennials include those born from 1980-2000.They are
the future of the country and are the driving force for change in today’s
world. Companies form their strategies and products considering mainly these
millennial’s taste and preferences. The psychology of people has changed over
the period of time. The increase in buying beyond what is necessary is termed consumerism.
The items commonly purchased by the millennials on frequent bases include,
electronic goods, clothes, accessories, home décor and all of them can commonly
be termed as lifestyle products. The study tried to analyze millennials as the
consumer base and what are the factors that affect their buying behavior which
includes both psychological aspects such as the perception, conformity etc.,
along with that the external factors like increase in disposal income, rapid
urbanization, advancement in technology, decrease in rural and urban divide,
which may have contributed majorly in the change in buying pattern of the
millennial generation.