Legal Frameworks for Global Health Equity: Exploring the Role in Addressing Social Determinants of Health
Dr. Akshaya Desai, Dr. Moumita Mazumdar
Page No. : 116-128
Promoting equity, in health is a challenge within the field of public health requiring the development and implementation of effective legal frameworks. The purpose of this paper is to explore how legal frameworks can be utilized to address factors that impact health and contribute to health disparities. The focus will be on describing the issue at hand and highlighting findings.
The problem statement revolves around the inequalities in health outcomes experienced by populations worldwide. Despite advancements in healthcare a significant portion of the population still faces preventable illnesses, limited access to healthcare services and unfavourable socioeconomic factors that influence health. These disparities are deeply rooted in economic and political aspects necessitating a multifaceted approach to address their underlying causes. Legal frameworks have emerged as instruments for advancing health equity as they provide a structured approach to addressing systemic issues and establishing accountability.
Through an examination of existing frameworks this research demonstrates their pivotal role in promoting global health equity. Legal instruments and policies have the potential to tackle determinants of health by ensuring distribution of resources reducing disparities, in healthcare access and advocating for quality healthcare services.
Governments, international organizations and other entities are driven by the obligations and benchmarks they establish when striving to improve health outcomes.
The main finding of this study is that achieving global health equality requires a comprehensive legal framework. Such a framework should encompass a broad range of issues, including but not limited to health systems strengthening, healthcare financing, human rights, trade policies, intellectual property, and social policies. Additionally, it is crucial to make sure that these legal frameworks comply with international duties and human rights values.
Though, it is significant to know that legal agendas alone cannot give assurance global health equity. Application and enforcement mechanisms, capacity building, political will, and strong corporation between different stakeholders are likewise critical. Furthermore, ongoing assessment and revision of legal frameworks are vital to adapt to evolving global health challenges and emerging issues.