A Study of the Use of Fragmentation in T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land
Dr. Shabina Khan, Maleeha Tabassum
Page No. : 153-157
T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land (1922) is widely regarded as one of the most important and complex works in modernist poetry. One of its defining characteristics is the use of fragmentation—both as a thematic element and as a formal technique. This paper examines the ways in which Eliot employs fragmentation in The Waste Land, analyzing its role in reflecting the disintegration of modern life, the collapse of traditional values, and the profound alienation experienced by individuals in the aftermath of World War I. Through an exploration of fragmented imagery, language, structure, and references to various literary traditions, this study aims to shed light on how fragmentation functions as a tool for conveying the emotional and intellectual turmoil of the modern world.