Empowering Success: Exploring the Impact of Experiential Learning on Leadership Efficacy and Life Satisfaction Among Male and Female Management Students

Debasmita Sarkar Dhar, Dr. Amjad Ali, Dr. Nandita Mishra
Page No. : 262-282


Experiential learning (EL) is gaining popularity because it allows students to “learn by doing”, improving their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.It is based on the principle that people learn best by doing, reflecting, and applying their learning in real-wqorled situations. The actual purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of EL on the leadership abilities and life satisfaction of both male and female management students. A survey method has been employed: a questionnaire containing 16 close ended questions has been implemented to gather information. The analysis has identified a positive relationship between the EL and leadership efficacy and life satisfaction among the management students. The EL enables hands-on experience for the students, which is helpful in preparing the students for future leadership roles. Based on this learning approach, the students are developing skills such as problem-solving, communication and conflict resolution, which are crucial for business leaders, both male and female. Due to all the associated benefits, management institutions are showing interest in incorporating EL into their curriculum.