Influence of Assertive Behaviour Training on Socially Maladjusted Secondary School Students’ in Aba Education Zone, State, Nigeria
Love Nkem Ihedioha, Famous Oghoghophia Imu, Ijeoma Joy. Udagbue, Chineme Mary. C. Asuzu
Page No. : 320-328
The study examined the effectiveness of Assertive Behaviour Training on the socially maladjusted students in Aba Educational Zone. There are two research questions and two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 levels of significance. The study was a quasi-experimental research; the study adopted a pre-test-post-test-control group design. The population sample consisted of 38,843 comprising of all the senior students’ in the secondary schools of 119 secondary schools in Aba education zone. Three schools were purposively chosen in three Local Government Areas out of four (4) L.G.As for the study from which 24 purposively selected students were used for the study were derived. The researchers made and validated instrument titled “maladjusted checklist for students (SMCS)” served as a guide in the observation method employed in data collection for the study. The study has a reliability index of 0.76 respectively. The data derived was computed and statistically analyzed using mean for the study questions and analyses of Covariance (ANCOVA) for testing the hypotheses. The study revealed that Assertive Behaviour Training reduced social maladjustment among students’. The study concludes that Assertive Behaviour Training (ABT) is found to be effective in reducing social maladjustment among stud. The study also recommends that Assertive Behaviour Training module be incorporated in the school curriculum for both junior and senior secondary schools in Abia State, Nigeria.