Indigenous Languages as a Medium of Instruction in Public Primary Schools: Practices and Challenges in Gambella Regional State
Kedir Botamo, Dagninet Gebey, Dr. Joghee Senthilkumar, Bialfew Gizzie, David Wang
Page No. : 392-404
The Ethiopia Education and Training Policy support the right of nations to use their native languages as a medium of instruction in primary education. However, its implementation in Gambella Regional State has faced challenges. This study aimed to explore the practices and challenges of using native languages in public primary schools. A descriptive survey design, combining quantitative and qualitative methods, was used to analyze data from 80 randomly selected teachers through questionnaires, and 16 purposively selected principals and education experts through interviews. The findings indicated that while teachers had a positive attitude towards using native languages, they faced challenges in employing effective teaching methods and using appropriate teaching materials. Additionally, a lack of professional development and training for teachers, as well as insufficient instructional resources, were identified as major obstacles. These challenges hindered the successful implementation of native language instruction in Gambella’s primary schools. The study recommends that school administrations and education offices at the Woreda, Zonal, and Regional levels take more proactive steps to address these issues and support teachers in making necessary improvements.
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