Analyze the Reaction of Group Pile in Sand subjected to Lateral Loads using khmax Approach

Mihir Kernel
Page No. : 42-55


Pile group is the used for resistance of the lateral load. It is analyzed and determines the lateral response of pile group using Khmax method. A method which was proposed by Shamsher Prakash and Sanjeev Kumar (1996) guess the relationship between load and the load-displacement of piles subjected to lateral loading using support reaction module with strain1. Modulus of degradation varies with the strain along the depth. Some of the experiments were performed on single batter piles and piles bents in sand. The analysis of tests on lateral pile load equations of modulus of degradation with strain and the range of Kh,max values at a strain rate of 0.002 and at a depth of 1cm have been proposed. An upper and lower bound load deflection method has been provided, which are very useful in finding the optimum results and better engineering decisions. The aluminum Piles have been selected for the present study, which have same diameter and different length. All tests were carried out in controlled condition.