A Study of Need and Importance of Women Empowerment, Welfare and Gender Equity in Haryana

Meenakshi Dhull, Dr. Surinder Kumar
Page No. : 357-372


The empowerment of women is a global topic that has gained momentum over the course of the last few years. In addition to the provisions included in the constitution and the legalization of a number of other global manifestations, a number of bureaucratic public protests have also been enacted in India to ensure the empowerment of women. Additionally, womens empowerment has been given attention by the governmental authorities right from the beginning of the Indian organizing process. As a consequence of this, bringing women up to the level of development has been a vital concern of the general authority ever since the beginning of time. In to empower women and bring them up to par with males, efforts have been taken from the very beginnings to create an environment that is empowering. This environment includes necessary strategies and programs, institutional instruments at all levels, and adequate financial assets. The Ministries of Rural Regions and Industry has carved out special roles for women in each of its initiatives, and a certain amount of funding is set aside specifically for womens contributions in order to ensure that women will continue to have access to enough funding in the future.