Organizational Identification: Role of Leadership and Proactive Vitality Management in Predicting Outcomes
Hamid Saeed, Shahzore Ali Khan, Muhammad Imtiaz, Ali Naimat Pervaiz
Page No. : 654-671
The purpose of the current paper is to examine the role of organizational identification in predicting outcomes. Specifically, the researcher takes proactive vitality management as the predictor of identification with the interaction of organizational resources. Stratified and snowball sampling techniques were used to collect data from the service and manufacturing sectors. The result supports all the hypotheses of the study proactive vitality management and authentic leadership are proven significant with organizational identification. Moreover, identification predicts both positive outcomes (Innovation behaviour, Employee voice) and reduces the effect of negative outcomes (organizational deviance, workplace ostracism). The current study contributes to the literature by explaining the relational mechanism between Proactive vitality management and organization identification with mediating role of organizational resources. Findings will help managers to get the competitive edge by promoting innovative, proactive voice behaviour and by reducing deviance and ostracism behaviour.