Finite Element Modeling of Single Wall Carbon Nano Tube & Analysis of Mechanical properties via commercial code ANSYS 14

Dr. Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong
Page No. : 7-17


A carbon Nanotube (CNT) is a tubular structure made of carbon atoms, having diameter of nanometre order and length in micro meters. Various experiments and theoretical works have done which shows that Carbon nanotube has good mechanical and electrical properties. Finite element modal for armchair, zigzag and chiral structure of carbon nanotube is proposed. In my approach, carbon nanotube is considered as a frame like structure. The bond between carbon atoms is considered as a load carrying beam member and the carbon atom as joints of beam member. To analysis the mechanical properties (Young’s moduli) of carbon nanotube, the finite element modal of armchair and zigzag structure modeled with the commercial code ANSYS 14. In this approach to create the finite element modal, the carbon atom is replaced by nodes and the bonds between carbon atoms is modeled using ANSYS beam 188 element. The beam 188 element is a linear two-node beam element in 3-D. It has six degrees of freedom at each node. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the Young’s modulus of SWCNTs by a finite element approach and predicts the young’s modulus variation with respect to different diameter of carbon nanotubes.