Predictors of Social Entrepreneurship Intention Amongst Undergraduates
Provakar Dev Barman, Rasheedul Haque, Saif Ahmed, Abdul Rahman bin S Senathirajah, Md. Ibrahim Khalil, Binoy Chowdhury, Fakir Mohamed bin Omar Din
Page No. : 30-52
Certain traits, such as bravery, foresight, a clear sense of direction, creativity, intellect, and curiosity, are essential for success in the business world (Murnieks et al., 2014). This study is about the challenges which have significant influence over intension building process among the graduates in Bangladesh. As a developing country and a high population level, unemployment is increasing day by day. There are a lot of businesses with a social mission that are trying to improve the world (2016, Tally Press). When a countrys citizens take up social ventures, it helps the countrys economy grow and thrive in the long run. Social entrepreneurs create a good value in our society and also increase the private value. Educated people are looking for a job rather than staring an entrepreneurship business, where there is the trend of joining as an official employee is more respectful. Social entrepreneurship can be a good solution to reduce the unemployment rate and change the trend of the people. And, it will help to raise the socio-economic level, people’s life style and living facilities. Due to many existing obstacles, now social support as well as government support is available. This study has found social support as an indicator with other challenges such as attitude, education, social entrepreneurial outcome expectation and self-efficacy in order to measure the effect on social entrepreneurship intention. Data has been collected through an online survey questionnaire and analyzed by Smart PLS. Attitude and education have more affect towards social entrepreneurship intention. It has been found that some entrepreneurs are facing the problem of high charges to obtain the business approval certificate. Besides that, at present E-commerce has encroached into the entrepreneurial business by being more flexible, time saving and cost effective. Moreover, leadership and outcome expectation skill have also gotten priority in the intention of building process of social entrepreneurship. Last of all, social entrepreneurship always refers to social benefit and socio-economic development, and a social entrepreneur has to consider that whatever business he wants to embark on, there should be an outcome which brings advantage to the society.