An Analytical Study of the Modern Development Journey of Chhayaavadi Poems
Ms. Pinki
Page No. : 1095-1102
The period of twenty years from 1916 to 1936 is considered as Chhayavad era. This is the third rise of modern Hindi poetry. There was a change in Dwivedi jis literary tendencies. This change took place as a result of chronicling and gross spirit of the Dwivedi era. The poetry of the Dwivedi era was bound by certain limitations. The tradition of ritual poetry had ended, as a result of which there was dullness in the poetry. Another reason for the birth of Chhayavad was the then political and social conditions. In 1914, the first world war took place, there was a lot of bloodshed. As a result, there was an empire of sorrow, pain and despair in the society. At the same time, Tagore gave importance to mystery and anguish in Gitanjali. Gradually, along with the breaking of political and social barriers, changes also took place in literature. The poets rebelled against the gross against the subtle and poetry moved from the collective to the individual. In this era, there was expansion in the subjects of poetry, refinement of language in the field of expression, use of pure similar words, ornamentation style, symbolism, shelter of metaphorical method, word-beauty etc. got a place. Poems were made on the topics of Usha, Sandhya, Prabhat, Kisan, Main, Tum, Rail, Badal, Pahad etc. The poets of Chhayavadi era tried to remove the shortcomings of the Dwivedi era, there were basically four shortcomings in the Dwivedi era - (1) The poets of the Dwivedi era had a limited scope. There were only a few subjects like patriotism, nationalism, sympathy for the oppressed, high feeling towards women etc. Chhayavadi poets expanded this limited sense field. He gave importance to the subtle towards the gross by writing poetry on new subjects.