Work-From-Home As Post Covid-19 Alternate Work Arrangement: Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment
Rajesh Kumar, Vinita Agrawal, Gulshan Kumar
Page No. : 124-154
As alternative work arrangements get globally adopted due to COVID-19, this study investigates the role of perceived work-life balance (WLB) and organizational commitment as antecedents to intention to stay with the organization in a work-from-home (WFH) arrangement. It is further hypothesized that organizational commitment acts as a mediator between perceived WLB and perceived work engagement. It is a cross-sectional study through PLS-SEM to predict relationship amongst work engagement, WLB, organizational commitment and intention to stay, among employees in ICT sector. Findings indicate that with adoption of WFH, organizations can expect greater employee commitment and intention to stay, while employees see better WLB and work engagement. The study on the basis of f2 values points towards significant role of work engagement in predicting variance in organizational commitment. Adoption of WFH gives flexibility of remote working and the opportunity to operate 24X7, for enhanced productivity, customer servicing, and satisfaction.