Antecedent and Outcomes of Special Needs Teacher’s Psychological Contract in the Sultanate of Oman

Neetu Kwatra
Page No. : 175-197


Teaching special needs children is a challenging task for teachers. As these students not only need teachers love, affection, and special instructional strategies, and teachers require a lot of patience to handle them. This research aims at understanding the hidden perception and expectations of special needs teachers and how the non-fulfillment of these expectations affects their commitment. Out of 748 of 90 teachers from a sample of 22 centers have been taken for study. The research design is descriptive and an Independent Sample T-test and correlation analysis have been used. The study found that overall teachers are satisfied. Teachers expectations and promises are being fulfilled except few factors like administrators awareness of challenges, Availability of required resources, lack of professional training, pay, and support given by parents. The result is significant in most of the factors which shows the presence of these content increases their performance and job satisfaction whereas the absence of support given by parents, and the provision of necessary supplies is not adequate. awareness of challenges, reasonable workload, salary, and pay which is affecting their performance. Empirical evidence has shown that this type of research is beneficial for teachers, administrators, society, social workers, and the government in making policies.