Impact, Prospect, Sustainability & Economic Value of Community Based Eco-Tourism in North Bengal – An Overview of Dooars

Apurba Chakraborty, Dr.Santosh Kumar Upadhyay
Page No. : 380-389


The article goes to find out the transparent situation of varied potentiality, impact scope, Economic Value of ecotourism in Dooars region of West Bengal. Eco-tourism of Dooars has tried to be associating economically viable various for attracting touristy revenue while not compromising space individual values or degrading the surroundings. So, ideal eco-tourists must have some responsibilities that they follow strictly whenever they visit to associate eco-tourism destination. In another word, associate tourism is the accountable someone, whose tourism may be a quick growing business within the North Bengal and Dooars. The economic value of Eco tourism is growing in North Bengal as a fast-growing market with the potential to be an important development tool. It is an outsized scale of potentiality in global act. The home stay, hotel & resorts industry in Dooars has an annual turnover of approx ₹55 lacks. Tourism industry of Dooars provides direct employment more than 8,000. North Bengal Tourist transport industry employs over 1000 people directly. Hospitality & Tourism industry in Dooars has been a main contributor to the revenue of income by increasing the GDP Growth of North Bengal. Tourism industry of Dooars not only employs workers in cities but also provides an earning base for the rural population. The tourism sector accounts for 28% of employment in North Bengal, 10% of it is direct and 18% is indirect. The local tribal Communities have a unique custom, lifestyle & culture, which always attracts the visitors, to know about all. Community based cultural & Eco tourism or home stay in tea gardens or tribal villages of North Bengal, is a unique form of Eco tourism Product, managed by the local tribal communities or villagers. Now a day the scope, Prospect, Economic Value of Eco tourism is an emerging form of sustainable tourism in North Bengal region.