Paradigm shift of Housekeeping from Physically Clean to Clinically Clean- A Review on Multiplex Industry

Chandana Paul, Dr Saurabh Sharma, Dr Saurav Chhabra, Prof (Dr) Garima Parkash
Page No. : 664-676


Multiplex housekeeping in Hospitality sector has taken a sudden shift from Physically clean to clinically clean due to the current crisis. This transformation has opened a lot of discussion points on the implementation, impact, effects & challenges for the industry. This study focusses on the systematic approach of this concept in Multiplexes. The Multiplexes will have to adopt the concept of Hospital Grade cleaning in order to instil confidence in the Patrons. Covid has really hit the businesses of multiplexes. The frequency of cleaning the theatres in between the shows is hardly ten minutes, which is a mammoth task for housekeeping as it requires particular and acceptable cleaning agents for multiplexes to give viewers a clean theatre, now with covid multiplex housekeeping needs to incorporate new processes, sanitization, transform the auditorium from dirty to pristine and clinically clean.