Encoded DHA Encryption Algorithm to Secure Cloud Storage and Communication

Ms. Sagrika, Dr. Gursewak Singh Brar, Dr. Sandeep Sharma
Page No. : 687-695


Nowadays cloud technology is growing tremendously, which results in scalability, cost reduction and accessibility parameters in the IT sector. Therefore storing the information on cloud may be a challenging task, and the chances of attacks through an unauthorized access have been increasing day by day. However, to prevent these attacks within the cloud service, encryption and compression is a proposed methodology in this paper that surely plays an important role to enhance security in cloud environment. In the proposed problem the random data is encrypted by using Diffie-hellmen Key exchange and then encrypted message is compressed and encoded using Huffman encoding method which will increase the level of security of encrypted data and also will decrease the size of data after compression and thereafter this encoded compressed code will be encrypted by using AES encryption algorithm. This step will provide two level security. Our key objective is give two level security to the data using less space and time.