Portrayal of “Caesar and Cleopatra” by George Bernard Shaw

Dr. Santosh
Page No. : 59-67


Caesar and Cleopatra was written in 1898 by George Barnard Shaw, published in 1901, and staged for the first time in 1906. The plot follows Julius Caesar and Cleopatras primary characters. It demonstrates how power dynamics shaped the dramatic plot. Power relation is the depiction of powerful individuals in human life. The playwright is concerned in the drama with demonstrating how Cleopatra, with the assistance of Caesar, may finally lead Egypt with her might. As this dissertation will focus on Caesar and Cleopatras independence as Ptolemy monarchs during the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. In this essay, the fall of the Ptolemaic Empire will also be put within the international context. Further research on this subject could concentrate more on horizontal comparisons of the destinies of various eastern nations under Roman expansion. This study also focuses on the specific perspectives, which employ a range of theatrical genres to examine Shaws evolution towards the fully realised myth of creative growth during his lifetime.