Revisiting Conflicts of Colour and Culture in Hamlin Garland’s The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop
Dr. Ritu
Page No. : 783-791
The present study revolves around the conflicts of colour and culture in Hamlin Garland’s The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop. Garland opposed the unjust conditions existing in American society towards the end of the 19th century. Hard competition had jeopardized the old values and put America on the anarchy. Workers formed unions and asked for justice; the war of races was not yet over. The strong denied the weak their due. But out of this chaos, America emerged stronger and more prosperous. The Americans learnt the lesson and realized that the mechanical means adopted by them could not lead them to success. Drastic social reforms were enforced to put America on the road of progress where they transcended to the zenith of glory. In enforcing such changes, the novelists like Hamlin Garland played a great role by highlighting the conflict of colour and culture. The paper shows how the novelist, directly or indirectly, suggests reforms.